UI Designs

Websites, designs, and more.

What Are These?

A collection of my works that includes website designs, developed sites, graphics and other designs.

Login to Sketch. A design of a sign in form made with SketchApp and PrincipleApp. By Katherine Delorme.
Login page design and animation.
Made with Sketch and Principle.
Credit: Katherine Delorme

The Breakdown

It's been an interesting career being a Web Designer, Website Developer, Frontend Designer/Developer, UI/UX Designer and even UI Developer. But no matter what I've been called over the years I'm glad to be doing what I have for a living. One aspect I'll be highlighting is ui design.

new version of college site. By Katherine Delorme.
UCF college website. Credit: Design & development Katherine Delorme
ui of an online checkout cart. By Katherine Delorme.
Transform UI cart design to code.
Credit: development Katherine Delorme
Business page office location design. By Katherine Delorme.
Business Office Location
Credit: Design & Development Katherine Delorme
Full page view of the home page of the tennis website designed by Katherine Delorme
Full view of the home page. Credit: Katherine Delorme

This is a concept design for the official website of the Miami Tennis Club at the Miami Shores Country Club. Serving as a directory for local and international clientele. I choose to build the website with Jekyll to keep the site lightweight and content-centric.

I started the design for the website while I was on a 10-hour layover in Doha, Qatar during my trip to Japan. My itinerary had my flights set for Miami to Doha to Tokyo. After a 14-hour flight, I was surprised to find myself motivated to design. After debarking I grabbed a meal and stretched my legs then headed for the waiting area. There, I worked on the mockup design for the website. Since I was traveling alone it was a great way to keep myself awake. It also amazed me how inspiration can come out anywhere.

So what is Blacme. About page. By Katherine Delorme.
The about page with the 5 missions of Blacme.
Credit: Katherine Delorme
Join Blacme. Newsletter signup page. By Katherine Delorme.
Newsletter sign up page. Credit: Katherine Delorme

“Not just a clothing line but a statement” was the ideals behind the BlacMe brand. I brought this vision to life in the form of a WordPress website. This included creating the web pages, blog, and online shop.

Personas and profile design. Male brand ambassador and social media influencer. By Katherine Delorme.
Personas and profile design. Female Senior Global Business Development Officer. By Katherine Delorme.
Personas and profile design. Female Account collector. By Katherine Delorme.
Dusting off my writing chops while creating 14 profile and bio designs. Credit: Katherine Delorme
html email development.
Email campaign design for a hotel. Credit: HTML/CSS development Katherine Delorme

Email Development.

This prestigious hotel's aesthetics falls into the categories of whimsical and artsy, making great efforts to avoid the norm. The Mother's Day brunch is packaged as a feast. The homie sweet imagery the word 'mother' invokes is instead replaced with a bold woman sitting at the head of a lavish spread. The image below emulates summer's bright and sunny feel with a woman in a yellow dress floating down on an umbrella. These eye-catching photos and taglines were the featured image in the email campaigns. Scrolling down on these emails, the language matched the tone the images had set. The email highlights deals on rooms and mentions of adjacent hotel properties.

Full page view of the career page designed by Katherine Delorme
Career website home page. Credit: Katherine Delorme

This is an idea for the redesign of a career page. I wanted the design to focus on the company’s values rather than just job openings.

Don’t Let Work Go To Waste

Being designers and developers our work either sees the light of day or is buried deep in our laptop’s storage. So is the nature of our work. It’s sad to think about, especially if the project was a huge labor of love. It happens. But this doesn’t always have to be the case. With the options we have now our works can at least have a chance of being seen.

Newsletter signup page design by Katherine Delorme.By Katherine Delorme.
Newsletter signup page. Credit: Katherine Delorme

Okay, I Just Have To Share This